Zymbiotic Technologies Inc.
Privacy Policy
Last revised: July 18, 2024
Last change summary: Added info about the Chrome ContactInfo plugin (no data collected).
This privacy policy applies to your use of any of our applications and/or services ('products'). When the policy differs amongst our products, those differences are explicitly stated in this policy with the corresponding product name specified.
When you visit our website, we use standard Internet technologies to temporarily collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address, which identifies the computer or service provider that you use to access our website.
During your first use of the applications Mental Note, Mental Note for iPad, Mental Note Lite, or Brainwave, your consent will be required for the applications to use location information. If you agree, during use of the applications, the applications will attempt to determine location information which will be stored within each note. The location information remains attached to each note for the purpose of helping the user remember where notes were created (this information is searchable from within the applications). This consent setting can be controlled at any time from either your general device privacy settings, or from within the application settings under Location Created. Turning off location information will not remove the information from any notes already created. This location information is solely for your use while using these apps; we never receive this, nor any other information, from your use of these apps.
For the application Bhabhi, if the application crashes, a crash report will automatically be sent to a third-party crash reporting service ('Crashlytics'). No personally identifiable information is sent. The report contains computer code / programming instructions which may help us diagnose why the application crashed. We use the report solely for diagnosing application crashes. Diagnosing crashes helps us improve the application.
No information is collected from the Mathvo applications.
No information is collected from the Rainvo application.
No information is collected from our iOS versions of our medical apps, except in the case of using the Dermcam app's virtual visit photos feature (the 'feature' / 'service'). When using this feature on iOS or Android, logging information, similar to when you visit our website, is temporarily collected which can identify the device that you use to access this service. For the Android versions of our medical apps, if the application crashes, a crash report will automatically be sent to a third-party crash reporting service ('Crashlytics'). No personally identifiable information is sent. The report contains computer code / programming instructions which may help us diagnose why the application crashed. We use the report solely for diagnosing application crashes. Diagnosing crashes helps us improve the application.
No information is collected from the ContactInfo Chrome plugin application.
The first time you use the applications Mental Note, Mental Note for iPad, or Mental Note Lite, your consent may be required for the applications to access your Camera, Photo Library, and/or your Microphone. If you agree to allow access to your Camera and/or Photo Library, the applications will allow you to add photos to your notes, and will allow you to add photos of your notes to your Photo Library. If you agree to allow access to your Microphone, the applications will allow you to record sound into your notes. If you do not agree, the application features described will not be available. These consent settings can be controlled at any time from your general device privacy settings.
The first time you use the applications Mental Note, Mental Note for iPad, Mental Note Lite, or Brainwave, your consent may be required for the applications to access your Calendar. If you agree to allow access to your Calendar, the applications will allow you to selectively add your notes to your Calendar. If you do not agree, the application feature described will not be available. This consent setting can be controlled at any time from your general device privacy settings.
The first time you use a Mathvo or Rainvo application, your consent will be required to use the device microphone and Apple's speech recognition service. These features are required to understand your verbal answers to the questions presented. These consent settings can be controlled at any time from your general device privacy settings. These apps do not save voice data.
The first time you use Dermcam or Say EMR on iOS, your consent may be required for the application to access your Camera, and to access your network. On iOS, no photos taken with the camera are ever stored. The application requires access to the device's camera and to the network in order to operate. If you do not agree, the application won't be able to take photographs (camera), and/or send or receive photographs (network). On Android, the user is responsible for using a photo taking app that will not automatically store photos taken.
In the event that you contact us to ask questions about a product, you may send us your contact information (e.g. email address) and other diagnostic information. In the process of providing support for a product, you may be asked to send us information about your device, (e.g. the type of device, the operating system, product versions). In order to improve our products and respond to your support request you may be asked for additional diagnostic information or data. If you choose to, you may send us sample data (screenshots, documents, or other product data) that caused, or describe, a malfunction; or crash reports if crashes occur. The data may contain information about the location the data was created. Crash reports contain non-personal summary type information such as your device OS, and information that can help us identify a problem in our product. (One source of further information about the Apple approved crash reports can be found at https://www.zymbiotic.com/support/crashreports.)
In the event that you enter a promotion/contest offered by us, you may send us your contact information (e.g. name, email address). Your IP address at the time you enter the promotion may also be collected.
For the applications Mental Note, Mental Note for iPad, Mental Note Lite, and Brainwave, when you consent to allowing location information to be collected, the location information remains attached to each note for the sole purpose of helping the user remember where notes were created (this location information is searchable from within the applications). This location information is solely for your use while using these apps; we never receive this, nor any other information, from your use of these apps.
For the Dermcam app's virtual visit photos feature (the 'feature'), temporarily logged information is used to provide diagnostic support for this feature.
When you contact us by email or other communications, we may retain those communications in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and improve our products. We may use that contact information to communicate with you about our products. When you send us diagnostic information, the information is used solely to diagnose a malfunction and improve our products.
When you enter a promotion/contest offered by us, we may use that contact information to communicate with you about our products. If an IP address is collected at the time of entry it is only used to verify the validity of your participation in the promotion.
When you visit our website, we may use your IP address to locate roughly where our site visitors are coming from.
We never share your email address and information, unless: (i) we are legally required to do so (e.g. in response to legal requirements, or for governmental authorities); or (ii) we merge with, or are reorganized into, another entity, at which point your email address and support information may be shared with the other entity provided the entity complies with this policy.
We may amend this policy from time to time. Use of the information collected is subject to the policy in effect at the time the information was collected. If we make changes in the way we use your email information, we will notify you in advance by email. Such modifications will become effective on the date set forth in the email. Should you have any questions regarding the policy or its use, please contact us at the contact information listed at the end of this policy.
If we make material changes to this policy for the Dermcam app, we will release a new version of the app that will ask you to agree to the revised policy, and we will post the revised policy on our website, with an updated 'Last revised' date at the top of the policy. The updated app would give you a chance to disagree with the revised policy, in which case you would cancel your subscription (if applicable) and stop using the app and/or feature. If you continue to use the app and/or feature that will constitute acceptance of the revised policy.
This privacy policy covers our products. It does not cover any products, Web sites, products or services that we do not control or own, such as Twitter, Google products, or any third party features on our products.
If you have questions or comments about this policy, or to report any violations or abuse of this policy, please contact us at privacy(at)zymbiotic.com.